Janka Antalová


picture of Janka Antalová

Hello, I'm Janka!

Welcome to my portfolio. I am a Web Developer and Graphic Designer from Slovakia, currently based in Italy.

I've always enjoyed a good challenge, and moving from art to programming has not only been huge, but also hugely rewarding. Seeing my designs come to life in the form of fully-functioning websites and web apps that others can use has given me an unknown sense of satisfaction.

I would like to keep doing that.

Open for work

I am currently looking for job opportunities in the Web Development and/or Graphic Design fields. Let's connect!

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Front-End Engineer | Codecademy

×certificate of completion, Codecademy, Frontend engineer

My work



See Project

Storylock see project button


See Project

assist see project button

Personal Portfolio

See Project

portfolio see project button


See Project

ready see project button

Graphic Design


See Project

munch mates see project button


See Project

lushleaf see project button

Book Covers

See Project

book covers see project button


See Project

assist see project button
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